
人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 1 Cultural relics Period 5 Grammar Word版无答案




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unit 1 cultural relics period 5 grammar 教学设计 i. teaching contents:the attributive clause : the restrictive and non—restrictive attributive clause ii. teaching aims: 1.review attibutive clause.:relatvie pronouns and relative adverbs 2. to learn attributive clauses : the restrictive and non—restrictive attributive clause iii. key points & difficulties key points: grasp the use of the restrictive and non—restrictive attributive clause teaching difficulties learn the differences between the restrictive and non—restrictive attributive clause iv.teaching methods discussing, summarizing and practicing. v. teaching procedure: step 1: finding: ⑴. discovering useful structures (on page 4) let the students try to find out the attributive clause in warming up and the reading part. 1. a cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time. 2. it is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in china. 3. you are sent to a small town where you find a relic that was stolen from a palace. 4. the man who has it insists that it belongs to his family. 5.this gift was the amber room, which was given this name because almost seven thousand tons of amber were used to make it. 6. later, catherineⅱhad the amber room moved to the palace outside st petersburg where she spent her summers. 7. in 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it. 8. this was a time when the two countries were at war. explain some of them, look at the fifth sentence carefully. get the students to tell the differences from the others. step 2. review the attibutive clause (ppt 3—11) 一、定语从句的定义: (ppt 3) 用来修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词(antecedent)。定语从句一般是由关系代词或关系副词来引导的。相当于名词和形容词的作用。 二、关系代词和关系副词的作用:(ppt 4) 1、引导作用 2、替代作用 3、在定语从句中担当某个成分的作用 三、关系代词(who, whom, which, that, whose)的指代关系 (ppt 5) 四、关系代词which和that的区别: (ppt 7) 五、关系副词when, where, why的用法 (ppt 9) 六、as引导定语从句,多与such和the same连用,在从句中作主语或宾语。(ppt 10) step 3. the restrictive and non—restrictive attributive clause 1. 限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义。这种从句和主句的关系十分密切,写时不用逗号分开。限制性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词常可省略 2.非限制性定语从句和主句关系不十分密切,只是对先行词作些附加的说明, 如果去掉, 主句的意思仍然清楚。这种从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,一般不用that引导。非限制性定语从句中,关系词不可省略。 3.大多数限制性和非限制性定语从句的先行词往往为某一个词或短语,而特殊场合非限制性定语从句的先行词也可为整个主句,此时非限制性定语从句常由which引导。 4.关系代词whom在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可用who代替whom,但在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可用who来代替。 step 3: exercise for consolidation. 1). do exercise on ppt 22—27. 2).students try to do the exercise 3 on page 4, then teacher give guide. 3) group work: students can be divided into five goups, each group try to complete two sentences in exercise 4 onpage 4. then share their answers with other students. step 4: homework. 1.finish exercise 1 on page 43 2.prepare the game on page 43 exercise 2. vi. blackboard design. unit 1 cultural relics period 5 grammar attributive clause the restrictive and non—restrictive attributive clause: 1.rome, which is the capital of italy, has a very long history 2.yesterday i met professor king, who came from the university of london 3.he lent me a dictionary, which was just what i needed 4.a middle-aged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much 5.a) he will wear no clothes which will make him different from others. b) he will wear no clothes, which will make him different from others

特邀主编老师 陈丽清 点评:



