
江苏省徐州市歌风中学译林牛津版高一英语必修三课堂活动单:Unit1 The word of our sense-Reading Comprehension Word版无答案




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更新时间2016-02-24 9:36:22


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m3u1project producing a tv show reading comprehension shark attacks & the wonderful world of pigeons 执教:朱仁江 learning objectives: in this class, the students are expected to achieve the following goals: ● learn about sharks and pigeons ● practice their reading skills and other skills by fully participating in all the activities. ● learn to live in harmony with animals. ● produce a tv show about an animal’ pre-class activity: students’ pre-class preparations instruction: in this period, all the students are required to make necessary preparations for the class. details are as follows: task 1 :watch the video about sharks and pigeons task 2: self-study:master the following phrases 1.mistake a for b 2.reduce the risk of a shark attack 3.be attracted to bright colors 4.hit the shark on the nose with your fist 5.contrary to 6.set the bird loose 7.be employed by armies 8.have a wonderful sense of direction 9.attach sth. to sth. 10follow the advice/suggestions shark attacks learning procedures warm up activity:enjoy some pictures. what do you know about sharks?______________________________________________ activity two. reading comprehension i.fast reading. read the article quickly and answer the following questions . 1.do all the sharks attack human beings? 2.are many people attacked by sharks every year? 3.why is the number of shark attacks increasing? ii.careful reading. read carefully and try to finish the following tasks. discuss with your group members if necessary. 1)howmany types of dangerous sharks are there ? 2)how many types of shark attacks are mentioned( 提及到) in para.2 ? and what are they? 3)how can we avoid being attacked by sharks? 4)what should we do if a shark attacks you? ______________________________________________________ activity three. summarize the passage using the following hints. 3 dangerous (white, tiger, bull), 3 shark attacks (attack, push, wait), 4 tips (dark, fresh wound, bright, groups), 3 tips (calm, hit, stick) the wonderful world of pigeons activity four: careful reading. task one:read carefully and try to finish the following tasks. discuss with your group members if necessary. 1.what does the article begin with? 2.what is the story about? 3.why does the writer begin with a story in his article? 4.why pigeons can find their way activity five :produce a tv show about how an animal uses its senses. hello, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to my tv show. today i’ll talk about …… the following questions can give you some help for your presentation: 1.what animal do you want to talk about? 2.which of the animal’s senses will the tv show focus on? 3.how long will the tv show last? 4.what kind of information do you need to to find out about the animal? 5.who will do the research for the project? 6.who will write the tv show? 7.who will provide the pictures and photos for the show? 8.who will prevent the tv show to the class? reflection on your teaching:______________________________________________________ ● homework. writing. 1)write a short article about your most favorite animal.

特邀主编老师 陈丽清 点评:



