
江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高二英语教案:Unit1《Living with technology Word power》(牛津译林版选修7) Word版无答案




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period four :word power step 1: brainstorming 1. guessing game: at the beginning of today’s class, let’s play a guessing game. here are several cards, each of which says a household appliance. i’d like one of you to give a brief description of the device and other students to guess what it is. for reference an air-conditioner: it can be stationed on the wall. it can make our room warm in winter and cool in summer. a microwave oven: it’s a type of oven which cooks food very quickly using microwaves. a refrigerator: a cabinet or room in which food is kept cold. a washing machine: a electric machine for washing clothes. a digital computer: a device that makes calculations, etc with data represented as a series of digits. a vacuum cleaner: a electrical appliance that takes up dust, dirt, etc by suction. 2. next time you are in a shop, notice the electrical and electronic goods especially household appliances that are sold and try to list as many devices as possible. step 2: vocabulary learning 1. a section manager from a big department store is showing the electrical and electronic goods to a new salesperson. please read what the manager says (part a on page6). pay special attention to the phrases in blue. make sure that you understand what they actually mean. 2. now, please arrange the goods from the manager’s introduction in the correct section. fill in the form. electronic goods audio devices: cd players md players mp3 playerseducational products: educational software electronic dictionaries electronic translators video devices: video cameras digital camerascomputers mobile phones 3. let’s come to the household appliances section. read the passage in part b. pay attention to the names of the goods in this section. 4. pair work: give a brief description of the household appliances to your partner in your own words. you may also describe other household appliances you know. 5. now we’ve been familiar with the names of household appliances. let’s try to complete the article in part c on page 7. step 3: vocabulary extension 1.of course, electrical appliances and electronic devices are useful in various ways in our lives. but which do you think is the most useful? first, have a discussion in group of four about the questions. 2.now, present the result of your discussion. 3.let’s come to part d on page 7. complete the table with as many as you can think of, placing the items in order of importance with the most important one first. [explanation] 根据教材内容和设计,指导学生通过听、读、说等活动获取大量相关信息,准备根据任务要求写作。为了降低难度,实际上把一个大任务分割成若干个小任务:收集信息、分析比较、提出建议,其间以信息的不同来源作为线索。由于教材所提供的内容非常丰富,而课时有限,有必要根据学生的情况进行详略安排,本课时将教学重点放在阅读上。阅读的重点是信息的获取和分析,这和后面的写作任务直接相关。此外,可以指导学生理解阅读材料的难点,如词、词组和句子的理解。还要提醒学生注意学习,并模仿描述物体外观特征的句型结构和词

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