 2016高考二轮复习 2016高考一轮复习

高一英语单词学习导学案:Unit1《The world of our sences》(译林牛津版必修三) Word版无答案




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更新时间2016-02-24 10:12:03


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m3 u1(word study) 1、confuse(v.)使糊涂 使迷惑 confused(adj.)糊涂的 迷惑的 confusing(adj.)令人迷惑的 confusion(n.) 2、observe 观察 observer 观察员,评论员 observation(n.) observe sb. do sth.(被动:be observed to do sth.);observe sb. doing sth. (被动: be observed doing sth.); observe sth. done the police observed him enter the room. / he was observed ________ the room. people observed him begging yesterday. / he was observed _________yesterday. 遵守observe the traffic rules 庆祝observe the christmas day / his birthday though having lived abroad for years, many chinese still ______ the traditional customs. a. performb. possess c. observed. support 3、nowhere(adv.)无处 到处都不 the book was nowhere to be seen. sth be nowhere to be seen/ heard/found 哪儿也见不到/ 听不到/ 找不到 ---could you charge less for it? ---sorry, but nowhere else ____ such a beautiful chinese vase. a.you will find b.you found c.will you find d.did you find 总结:_____________________________________ 4、wherever无论哪里 (1) 引导地点状语从句≠no matter where: sit wherever you like. we’ll go wherever you want. (2) 引导让步状语从句=no matter where: wherever you go, i’ll go with you= no matter where you go, i’ll go with you. 5、in sight看得到 在视力范围之内 out of sight看不见 catch sight of看到 lose sight of看不到lose one’s sight失明 at the sight of--- 一看见 at first sight 初见 乍一看 out of sight , out of mind. ___________(翻译) for miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree_________. a. in sight b.on earth c.at a distance d.in place 6、approach (1)v. 接近,靠近time is approaching. 时间就要到了。 (2)vt. 着手处理he approached(=handle) the question as a scientist. 他从科学家的角度来处理这一问题。 (3)n. 接近 靠近snow announced the approach of winter. 雪宣告了冬季的来临。 (4)n. 方法(复approaches)i like her approach to the problem.我喜欢她解决这个题目的方法 the approach to sth./the approach to doing sth. (5)n. 通道 入口all the approaches to the palace were blocked.所有通往宫殿的道路被堵塞了 7、wish for sth.盼望---企盼--- how i wish for a pair of wings! 我希望自己是一只小鸟。i wish that i a bird 我希望我昨天见到了那位明星。i wish i the star yeaterday. 多希望明天是好天气呀!how i wish it fine tomorrow! 8、hesitate犹豫 迟疑不决 (n.)hesitation without hesitation hesitate to do sth he did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him. 他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。 9、reach (1)伸出 reach your hand out for(to get) the book伸出你的手拿这本书 (2)达到 达成 reach an agreement (3) 延伸到 (声音)传到reach to the sky高耸入云 reach down to the river 延伸到河边 (4) 能及的范围(n.) out of one’s reach=beyond one’s reach________; within one’s reach________ reach for sth 伸手去拿 reach sb 和某人联系 reach sth 够得着某物

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